Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinus cavity. Sinusitis can occur at any age, including children. Sinusitis in children can be caused by infection or other conditions outside the infection. To overcome sinusitis in children, appropriate treatment is needed and in accordance with the cause. At a mild stage, the symptoms of sinusitis in children are very similar to the symptoms of the common cold or ARI in children. But if left unchecked, sinusitis in children can get worse, even cause complications. What are the symptoms of sinusitis in children? Some conditions can increase the risk of sinusitis in children, including frequent colds, allergies, disorders of the nasal cavity bulkhead (septal deviation), and nasal polyps. Children who have sinusitis will usually show the following symptoms: Nasal congestion for more than 10 days. Coughs and colds that never heal. Greenish or yellowish mucus or snot. Pain in the forehead and cheeks. There is a feeling of mucus swallowed (post...